From Idea to App:
AI-gen MVPs in Minutes!

Clean and simple code using popular frameworks

No need to copy-paste, full project generation

Includes roles, permissions, database scripts, multi-tenancy and more

Extend with your own code and features

Describe your idea, we take care of the rest

  • 01.
    Describe your idea

    In one sentence, tell us what your project is about. What are you trying to achieve?

  • 02.
    We identify the viable execution

    Our AI will analyze your project and provide you with a set of features your app will need to achieve your goals.

  • 03.
    Roles and User Stories

    We will provide you with a set of user roles and user stories that will help you understand how your app will work.

  • 04.
    Full Database Schema

    We will provide you with a full database schema that will help you understand how your app will store data.

  • 05.
    Full Page Set

    We will implement a full page set for your app, including listings, forms, details, and legal pages.

  • 06.
    Full Project Setup

    A full project setup will be provided to you, using the latest technologies and best practices.


Stay updated with our latest news and features.

What people are saying.

George F.

CEO, School Management System

"Our new school management platform is looking good!! the time saved was impressive."

Emilsis W-Bourke

CEO, Accounting Firm

"Our clients demanded a new service and we were able to deliver it in record time thanks to the MVP1 team."

Ernesto F.

Software Engineer, Indie Developer

"This AI service does what I need it to do, and it does it well. I am very happy with the results."

Frequently Asked Questions

For any other question contact me on X or by email.
    • 1/ mvp1 provides a full project setup that includes a NextJS frontend and a Supabase backend for the application you described you wanted to build.
    • 2/ The documentation helps you set up your app both locally for development purposes and on Vercel/Supabase for production.
    • 3/ Access to our support channel will help you keep your app running smoothly.
  • mvp1 is not 100% a boilerplate. It is a full-fledged starter kit that comes with a lot of features that you would need to build a SaaS product. It is built on top of NextJS, Supabase, and TailwindCSS. It comes with a lot of features like multi-tenancy, user roles, and permissions, and a lot more.
  • We use AI to analyze your project and provide you with a set of features your app will need to achieve your goals.
    • We will provide you with a set of user roles and user stories that will help you understand how your app will work.
    • We will provide you with a full database schema that will help you understand how your app will store data.
    • We will implement a full page set for your app, including listings, forms, details, and legal pages.
    • A full project setup will be provided to you, using the latest technologies and best practices.
  • We intentionally limit the number of features to keep the MVP simple and focused. For now we keep it to a minimum of 2 main features. This is to help you get your app to market faster and start getting feedback from users. You can always add more features later.
  • You can add more features by extending the generated app. The generated app is a full-fledged app that you can extend to add more features. You can also use the generated app as a starting point for your own app. The codebase is clean and simple, extensible, and easy to understand. Plus, we provide support to help you extend the app.

    We are also working on a feature to allow you to add more features to your app using our AI service by providing the special codes you have.
  • We know ideas come in all shapes and sizes. That is why we offer two packages: 2 MVPs for $59 or 5 MVPs for $99. One time payment, provides you with the full project setup, and access to our support channel and the amount of unique special codes that our AI uses to identify each project.

    This special code is unique to each project and is used by our AI to identify the project. Once consumed, you can purchase more special codes to generate more apps.
  • Please do, if you are interested in building a single app, you can share your special code with someone else, so they can also build an app. The special code is unique to each project and is used by our AI to identify the project.

    You get 2 or 5 special codes based on the package you choose.
  • We offer a percetage of the refund based on the amount of work done. If you are not satisfied with the results, we will refund you a percentage of the amount you paid based on the special codes used.
  • The cost to run the generated app is $0.00. We use Supabase as the backend, which is free to use for most projects. You can also use the free tier of Vercel to host your app.
    • NextJS framework - App router
    • TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React-Query
    • Supabase backend for Auth, Storage, Database
    • Stripe - Subscriptions
    • EmailJS for transactional emails
  • You can extend the generated app by adding your own code and features. The generated app is a full-fledged app that you can extend to add more features. You can also use the generated app as a starting point for your own app.

    The codebase is clean and simple, extensible, and easy to understand. Plus, we provide support to help you extend the app.
  • Support is provided via email and chat.